About Me

Hi, my name is Chervàse; Fez for short. I am a self-taught developer, freelancer, a graduate of the Codaisseur academy and currently a Front end Developer @ Reisbalans in the Netherlands. With my knowledge of a wide range of modern technologies I am ready to take on new and exciting projects.
I love turning ideas into effective and responsive websites. I'm interested in the visual design, usability, performance and accessibility of websites.

When i'm not working or learning you can find me on my yoga mat or defying gravity on climbing walls.
You can find my latest projects here.

Frontend Development

#HTML #CSS #JavaScript #React #Redux #Bootstrap #SCSS

I have a solid understanding of Frontend Development. I write code in HTML, CSS and (vanilla) JavaScript to make custom websites. Depending on the wants and needs of the project I write responsive web apps in React alongside with Redux.
To style webpages I use CSS, (React)Bootstrap and SCSS.

Backend Development

#Node.js #Express #PostgreSQL #Sequelize

As a full-stack JavaScript Developer I can design, implement and maintain servers and databases. I work with Node.js and Express to setup servers. PostgreSQL and Sequelize are used to setup databases.

Other Skills

#Photoshop #Lightroom #LogoDesign #AdobeXD

Need a custom made design or would you like for me to touch-up the photo's for your website? With my solid understanding of different design programs I am able to create images and logo's for your website.